Saturday, May 4, 2013

DIY Love Canvas

As you know, I am a lover of handmade gifts. And by having the only grandchild in my family, I am constantly looking for ways to create handmade gifts for my parents. Because grandparents LOVE that stuff! I came across this handmade canvas painting and just HAD to make it! SO get your little ones(s) ready and create something that anyone will love to recieve as a present :) Supplies : Canvas: I bought mine at walmart, 3 for $4.99 size 8x11. Because my mom likes to frame my sons artwork, I bought canvas panels. Although ANY canvas will work for this project! Scotch Tape or Washi Tape : I used leftover washi tape but you can use plain ol scotch tape! Crayola WAshable Finger Paints : These are the best and most washable paints i have found. And they dry really quick too. Added bonus! Your kiddo (s)! My son was more than happy to get down and dirty with finger paints! Step One : Take your scotch tape and tape off the word LOVE ( or any word you want that will fit on your canvas) onto the canvas. Although i didnt take a picture of it in the beginning, I did take a photo of what it loked like after it had been painted. Youcan easily see how I taped off the word LOVE. Step Two: LET YOUR KIDS GO WILD!!!! My son actually used his feet most of the time to paint this! He had such a blast doing it! Make sure there is a towel underneath though!!! Step Three : Let your painting dry. Because it was a hot day, I put my painting outside for about 30 min. Then peeled off the tape and let it dry for another 30 min. It will look like this when you start to peel off the tape. Step Four : Your done!!!!!!!! Now take a step back and admire your DIY art!!!! This is sure to be as much of a hit with your family as it was with mine! Have fun!!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Elastic Hair Ties

Ok. So I am officially obsessed. Ive added some really fun new items to my Etsy store, but my new fav has GOT to be the Elastic Hairties! How many of you women (and some men) HATE using old fashioned rubberband-ish hair ties? The ones that seem to pull out almost every strand of hair that you have while contnuing to wrap itself around the band as it comes off? And then your stuck with a hair wrapped band that you wear on your wrist. And if thats the case, be prepared for some unwanted stares and EWES. When i first saw these Elastic Hair Ties, I was intrigued. The person claimed that they were the new accessory for your hair and ......what? your wrist?! While i will admit I was skeptical about this at first, because lets be honest, I basically went from a flannel scrunchie to a nylon rubberband to hold my ponytail and believed nothing could beat the scrunchie like the nylon did, I was pleasently surprised at how right this woman was. After wearing one for a few days, I have never looked back. I thres away my wad of bands, and stocked up on the elasties ( my new name for them). I finally decided one day that I would in fact make them. I wanted to share with the world the glory of these Elasties and how amazing they really are! Not only do they NOT pull out your hair strand by strand, but they in fact pull out very cleanly. It takes only about 2 wraps to be securely in place, and who can beat the awesome designs and prints that you can get on them?! My favorite print so far is the Chevron, shown here :) And lets face it, theres nothing more trendy in the prints aisle than Chevron. What else is great about these Elastic hair ties you ask? Well.....they can go on your wrist!!!!! Thats right people! No more lines left in your skin from those other rubberbands! These not only look adorable, but their a fun little accessory as well. Trust me on this. These Elasties are the the best new hair accessories that Ive been able to make. Now go out and try some for yourself! Your only problem will be when someone asks you to borrow a band for their hair, you must find a gentle way to say "HECK NO!."

Monday, January 28, 2013

A new look for an old brooch.

If many of you are like me, then you have seen your mother wear at LEAST a few brooches in your lifetime. And when you were young, you probably thought, there is no way your ever going to catch me in a brooch." Well my loves, times, they are a-changin. I have recently turned my attention to learn more about the 'brooch'. I have in fact learned that not all brooches have to be in fact huge, shiny, rhinestone-y monstrocities. In reality, they can actually be quite fun! I have those AWESOME chiffon flowers in my supplies case and i couldnt help but create some of my own. WITHOUT any influence from my mother :)
This one is my favorite, which is why i decided to share it with you :) Not only can you NOT go wrong with either Ivory or Coral, but throwing them both together just makes everyone happy!!! So go out today, find some supplies, and get yoru brooching on!

DIY Personalized Mugs

So I did it. I finally ripped one of those diy craft pages from a magazine and actually did it! Luckily, I did have most of the supplies I needed already at home, and the rest were easily purchased at the 99 cent store. Not joking. These diy personalized mugs cost me a whopping 99 cents each. Not only are these so easy to make, but they make an amazing gift for absolutely anyone! So ok, heres the supplies list. Needed : Sharpie Permanent Marker (choose your own colors) Ceramic Mugs( I bought mine at the 99 cent store for GASP! .....99 cents) Oven Oven mits and a little helper to assist with the art aspect of this DIY :) Take your mug and decorate it with the permanent sharpie marker. Let your imagination run wild! Let your little one decorate it for their grandparents and give them an awesome 'just because' gift :) Then put your mug in a preheated oven (350 degrees) and bake for 30 minutes. Take out with OVEN MITS and sit on counter to cool. DO NOT use your hands to take out the mug. You WILL get a nice litle burn! Need a valentines gift but cant think of any? Well this one is perfect! Just make the doodles Valentines-ish, and put a red and pink ribbon around the handle and BOOM! You have your personalized Valentines Day Mug. Or fill it with a certain someones favorite treat. Either way, you cant beat this simple and awesome DIY.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Coupon Code 1/1/13-2/23/2013

Use coupon code NEWYEAR13 for 13% off your entire order! Please enter the coupon code at checkout. There is nothing i can do once youve submitted the order :( So PLEASE take advantage of the discount while you can!

Welcome :)

I am so excited to finally be the proud new parent of my new blog site! Ive decided to come out of the stoneage and officially join the club :) If youve purchased from my shop before, you know how much love and work i put into the creation of every single handcrafted accessory. It makes my heart happy hearing feedback on how much someone loves a product that they bought from me. Its what keeps my creative juices flowin'! Since spring is not that far away, Ive decided to start experimenting with new product. My new obsession is stretch lace! There are so many things to create with this material and im so excited to see what i come up with. xoxoxx, Kim